Climb For Life
A 3 month comprehensive package for those with an injury wanting a fully supported rehab from diagnosis to return to sport.
If climbing is important to you, invest in yourself!
Recommended for significant acute issues (such as a rotator cuff tear or pulley rupture), issues that have been troubling you for more than a few weeks like tendinopathies, tenosynovitis and bad sprains or anything that has stopped you climbing. Essentially any issue that will benefit from being able to adapt the rehab and get advice frequently.
3 months is the average time it takes to fully treat a significant injury.
This is also a useful approach for those working with a coach or have a time limited goal, like a climbing trip.
I liaise and work with your coach, all included, to ensure your goals are still optimised.
Assessment 1hr 30mins:
An in depth collaborative process where all aspects affecting your injury and performance will be considered: physical, social and psychological.
Climbing movement/style can also be assessed and coached, either in person or by analysing videos. This can be addressed in a later appointment if it's not possible on assessment.
The rehab plan is delivered via an app you can to refer to at anytime. Exercises are mostly supplied on video with audio commentary to ensure your full understanding.
You will be provided with step by step clarity as to the approach we take for your rehab and how to achieve the agreed milestones for your progression.
The plan will be updated during our hour long monthly follow up appointments - either remote or face to face.
Rehab is complete when you are stronger, more robust, and better educated than you were prior to the injury.
A short weekly summary document will be completed allowing the opportunity for reflection and assessment. I will respond with my thoughts via a Loom video giving you all the context and tweaks you need to stay on track.
In addition to the weekly check ins and monthly follow ups you are able to email/What's App at anytime if you have a question.
You will learn not just about the factors that led to your injury, but also about yourself and how to train and climb more effectively in the future.
£100 per month for 3 months, paid monthly.
If the issue continues for longer the price reduces to £70 per month
The Process
Recommended for those with an easier to manage niggle or low level injury such as tenderness in the A2 Pulley, a mild sprained ankle or a recent, low level, shoulder/elbow pain.
The 1 hour assessment will provide a diagnosis and all aspects affecting your injury and performance will be considered: physical, social and psychological.
A 4 week, bespoke, fully planned, rehabilitation programme will be delivered via our app so you can to refer to it at anytime. You will not need to remember any detail, often easily forgotten post assessment.
Exercises are mostly supplied on video with audio commentary to ensure your full understanding.
Climbing modification will be discussed and you will be provided with clear written support around how and when to progress, or regress, exercises.
We will update the plan at a pre-agreed 1 hour follow up appointment.
£70 for assessment and £50 for follow up.
Performance Testing and Injury Prevention
Testing and benchmarking physical attributes is incredibly useful for athletes, but must be relevant, reliable and brought into the context of you, your goals and life.
Without this it's just numbers.
As a climbing specialist Physiotherapist, with over 15 years coaching experience, I can help you interpret and explain the results and provide you with a written report detailing areas to address and some suggestions on how to do so.
Climber's MOT £75 (1.5hrs)
Performance testing £50 (1hr)
Both £100 (2hrs)